Pavia – The Head Of The Cardano Metaverse
Have you heard of Pavia? You probably have had if you have been exposed to the Cardano ecosystem. Pavia is the head of the Cardano Metaverse. Is aimed to be an alternative version of Decentraland and Sandbox.
The Synergy Between Metaverse and Blockchain
What’s the metaverse? Have you heard about Web 3.0? What do blockchains have to do with the virtual worlds.
The development of the Web
• Web 1.0: Is as we know it, the first stage of the World Wide Web. You could only search for information with centralized parties such as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.…
• Web 2.0: In this stage we can not only just look or surface the web but we can create our own content with the insertion of social media, blog creations etc.
• Web 3.0: Is where we are right now, we can not only visualize text and images in two dimensions, but we are granted augmented reality in which we can see and touch as though we were in the real world.
This comes up with a new financial tool integration too, with our wallets being just a few clicks away, we can interact and send value without any intermediary and also get in touch with many different transactions and contracts that would require the intervention of a real human being in the real world but automated with the use of smart contracts.
Cardano NFTs
The Cardano blockchain went live in September 2017, and with the Goguen release in the early 2021, Natives Token in the Cardano blockchain came alive bringing with them The Cardano NFTs.
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Cardano Kidz is said to be the ice breaker and regarded as the first NFT project to launch in Cardano. Following Cardano Kidz, Spacebuds was one of the largest NFT projects to take over. But that was in the early days of 2021, what about now? How different is the Cardano NFT Ecosystem now?
Today’s CNFTs statistics
- Projects: 4,592
- CNFTS: 708,915
- Cardano Marketplaces: 12
- Volume(24h): ₳1,105,999.5

The Top 3 – Collection Share By Volume
- Pavia: 11.38%
- SpaceBudz: 10.95%
- Clay Nation by Clay: 7.54%

The Top 3 – Marketplaces Share by Volume
- Jpg.store: 78.47%
- Spacebudz.io: 7.89%
- CNFT.io: 5.78%
Source: opencnft.io
As you can see Pavia is the most traded Cardano NFT of all time. Pavia is one of the Cardano Metaverse project you should look into.
The Cardano Metaverse
As of the time of writing, Cardano holders consider Pavia as the most active and developed metaverse project in the Cardano ecosystem with around 17k wallet holders.
At this moment, only land parcels and token distribution has been made in many different Cardano metaverse projects this reflect the early stage in which we are now. Nonetheless we plan to have the first virtual event of a Cardano metaverse project at the end of 2022 in the Pavia Plaza.
Aside from Pavia there are many other projects that aim to create a virtual world powered by the Cardano ecosystem.
Cardano Metaverse Projects:
Pavia History
Pavia? Does it sound familiar to you? The answer will be probably yes, if you are from Italy. Pavia is the place where the mathematician Gerolamo Cardano was born, the blockchain Cardano was named in Honor of this great mathematician and Pavia was named in honor of him as well.
This Cardano metaverse project sees its launch in 2021, and it has become main figure within the Cardano metaverse.
Pavia Game Insights
It aims to create a virtual world that consists of 100,000 land parcels distributed across a virtual earth.

- Game engine is Unity
- Plot size is 16m x 16
- Estate are 9 parcels with a 3×3 formation
- Height is still not known because it’s dependent upon the engine limitations
Technical Land Parcel Specifications

Single Land Parcel

Estate Land Parcels

The total amount of Pavia tokens totaled 2,000,000,000, minted in December 2021

- Community Airdrop: 25%
- Liquidity and Utility: 25%
- Pavia Team and Advisors: 20%
- Project Development and Ecosystem: 30%
Challenges To Overcome
It’s great to hear that we will be living eventually in a virtual world, where there is no barrier of distance or physical presence, where we’ll be always connected, in which being in a job meeting or hanging out with friends is just minutes away.
The metaverse is a beautiful thing that will bring us closer but to successfully immerse in the metaverse we need to solve some challenges:
Three Top Metaverse Challenges
Identity in the metaverse: In the metaverse we will have virtual bodies that bad actors can easily duplicate. How do my friends really know it’s me, I’m the real one there? How do they know it’s not a bot using AI impersonating me, my movements, my voice? When this whole thing mature, we’ll be able to make purchases within a virtual stores, as a result we are left with the question of how will the store owner know it’s not someone trying to buy things with our own money.
Cybersecurity: In the metaverse we try to duplicate our self from the real world to this new virtual world which means that we need to provide a huge variety of personal and private information. The possible sale of personal data is something we need to be able to solve if we want a safe place in the virtual world.
We know that it’s likely that it won’t be just one huge metaverse project but many metaverses that need to be able to interoperate with each other, however, in the case of a virtual crime, who will be the metaverse police?
Resources: The metaverse although virtual requires many scarce real physical components.
For instance, to make electronic devices we need rare metals and for the electric cars and many other projects souring in demand, therefore the cost of acquiring those material that we need to make this virtual world a reality becomes bigger and bigger. Moreover, we do also need to consider the cost of having all the servers running that will support millions and eventually billions of people all around the world.
Will Pavia, the head of the Cardano metaverse overcome these challenges?
Competitors/Partners – Other Metaverses

- Decentraland: Is a software running on Ethereum that seeks to incentivize a global network of users to operate a shared virtual world.

- The Sandbox: Is a virtual world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences in the Ethereum blockchain.

- Enjin: It’s a platform that allows developers to use its tools to build games from it.

As you can see there’s a lot of room for Pavia to grow, we can expect huge gains from the appreciation of the token, as from holding a plot of land as well. There are a lot of factors that will determine how successful the project might turn out to be, some them are in the scope of the Pavia team and others that are not in the hands of them, that’s why you should always try to diversify, and explore other blockchains.
We know that currently Pavia is the head of the Cardano Metaverse but what other metaverses in other blockchains are currently leading the way? It’s very risky to invest solely in a metaverse project, as a result institutional investor are spending millions in virtual lands, and we think you should too.